Fl Studio Flp Files

Posted : admin On 5/23/2019
Posted by9 months ago

Free FLP

I don't know how many people would be interested, but I figured I would contribute a zipped loop pack (for beginners, this means you can open the .zip file itself in FL Studio) for people asking about how to make a track loud and have the drums 'knock' with stock FL plugins. So I made a quick little Mike WiLL Made It style beat with a sample. And did a little bit of mastering to it for loudness. The main reason I'm releasing the flp is so beginners can see what kind of levels to mix to so you have headroom to master your track. I made this in FL 20 so if you have a lower version it's probably not going to open for you. However, I included the midi for each instrument and the zipped looped package contains all the drums and the sample for the beat so you can at least have the main ingredients of the beat.

Also, this beat does have gross beat and maximus on it so you'll need either the demo version of FL 20 (you can open it since I made it in my registered copy) or the producer edition + gross beat to open this. The gross beat is by no means essential though. I also included a .wav of the rendered beat in the google drive folder so you can preview what it'll sound like in case you decide it's not your style before downloading the zip.

Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to make sure I covered all my bases. Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ROABDIzIx6LkmMLQ4-TpnlKmrB7wtx2v

Edit: Link with no grossbeat: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xO3exz8NQJ05O5N3eT8oJ-t-NoGMTD5q

98% Upvoted

A parser for FL Studio project files in .NET.

FLParser is a utility for parsing and structuring project files in FL Studio (FLP files). It is used by the MONAD Demogroup for converting FLP files to a format useable by the demo replayer.

FLParser is based on andrewrk's node-flp, but contains many improvements to clean up code and add compatability for newer versions of FL Studio.

Please note: FLParser is currently in beta. Only the minimal things that we need are currently implemented, and some of them might break - if they do, or you find something new, please submit an issue or pull request.


In commandline:

In Visual Studio:

Nuget package coming soon!


Load a project with Project.Load:



class Project

Represents an FLP file. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class Channel

Represents an individual channel (instrument) in a project. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class GeneratorData : IChannelData

Represents channel data for a generator channel (sampler or plugin). Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class AutomationData : IChannelData

Represents channel data for an automation channel. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class AutomationKeyframe

Represents an individual keyframe in an automation track. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class Track

Represents a track in a project playlist. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class IPlaylistItem

Represents an item in a track. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class ChannelPlaylistItem : IPlaylistItem

Represents a sample or automation item in a track. Has the following additional properties: (all get; set;)

class PatternPlaylistItem : IPlaylistItem

Represents a pattern in a track. Has the following additional properties: (all get; set;)

class Pattern

Represents a pattern in a project. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class Note

Represents a note in a pattern. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class Insert

Represents an insert in a project. Has the following properties: (all get; set;)

class InsertSlot

Represents an effect slot in an insert. Has the following propertie: (all get; set;)


All enums are in the Enums static class.

enum Event

List of FLP event types, used for parsing. Consult the source code for a list of values.

enum InsertParam

List of insert parameters, used for parsing. Consult the source code for a list of values.

enum ArpDirection

Potential directions for generator channel's arpeggiator. Values are:

  • Off = 0 - no active arp
  • Up = 1 - arp notes go up
  • Down = 2 - arp notes go down
  • UpDownBounce = 3 - arp notes bounce up and down
  • UpDownSticky = 4 - arp notes stick up and down
  • Random - random arp notes

[Flags] enum InsertFlags

Flags for inserts to specify their states. Values are:

  • ReversePolarity = 1 - reverse polarity of the insert
  • SwapChannels = 1 << 1 - swap left and right channels
  • Unmute = 1 << 3 - insert is audible
  • DisableThreaded = 1 << 4 - threading is disabled on insert
  • DockedMiddle = 1 << 6 - insert is docked to middle
  • DockedRight = 1 << 7 - insert is docked to right
  • Separator = 1 << 10 - insert has separator on left
  • Lock = 1 << 11 - insert is locked
  • Solo = 1 << 12 - insert is solo'd (all other inserts will be muted)


Licensed under the MIT license. Sequential engineering. See the LICENSE file for more information.