Dan setelah selesai menyelesaikan satu huruf atau angka maka akan keluar animasi menarik. Belajar membaca cepat tanpa mengeja. Game edukasi ini sangat efektif digunakan untuk panduan belajar anak dalam membaca dan menulis baik huruf maupun angka. Game belajar baca tulis sangat mudah digunakan karena dalam aplikasi terdapat petunjuk penggunaan seperti tanda panah alur yang harus dilakukan dahulu. Anak dapat memilih angka atau huruf maupun gambar yang nantinya akan dimainkan.
EasyWorship (2009) Build 1.9 + Patch by MaRk15.rar
EasyWorship is presentation software designed specifically for project churches to worship songs, Bible text, videos, nursery alerts, sermon notes, live cameras, DVDs and PowerPoint presentations on an overhead or video projection system using a single computer with dual monitor outputs EasyWorship is presentation software designed specifically for project churches to worship songs, Bible text, videos, nursery alerts, sermon notes, live cameras, DVDs and PowerPoint presentations on an overhead or video projection system using a single computer with dual monitor outputs.
EasyWorship (2009) + 1.9 Build Patch by MaRk15.rar
SIZE: 20.54MB
Pass: MaRk15
SIZE: 20.54MB
Pass: MaRk15
Files inside:
- Patch (with virustotal)
Extract the downloaded file then follow the instructions (instructions actually already given in the file)
1. Open the 'Setup' folder then
-Do Not Launch / Exit
2. Open 'Patch' then Folder
-Run Easyworship.2009. (Build.1.9) .patch.by.mark15.exe
-Now It will be activated into full version
3. Lastly, open 'Registrator' folder then
Click on Register
(You can check 'Automatically Start EasyWorship' after registering)
EasyWorship (2009) Build 2.4 for Win10 + Patch by MaRk15
EasyWorship is presentation software designed specifically for project churches to worship songs, Bible text, videos, nursery alerts, sermon notes, live cameras, DVDs and PowerPoint presentations on an overhead or video projection system using a single computer with dual monitor outputs EasyWorship is presentation software designed specifically for project churches to worship songs, Bible text, videos, nursery alerts, sermon notes, live cameras, DVDs and PowerPoint presentations on an overhead or video projection system using a single computer with dual monitor outputs.
EasyWorship (2009) Build 2.4 for Win10 + Patch by MaRk15
SIZE: 2.91MB
pass: MaRk15
Files inside:
-EW2009b2.4 Crack
Extract the downloaded file then follow the instructions (instructions actually already given in the file)
1, Before anything else, to be able to use this crack or before updating to this latest build, make sure you have EasyWorship (2009) Build 1.9 installed in your system.
if you have not yet, follow this link:
EasyWorship (2009) + 1.9 Build Patch by MaRk15
2. Now after installing the old version, you can now proceed.
2. Now after installing the old version, you can now proceed.
1. Open 'Patch' then Folder
Double click 'EasyWorship2009_2_4_PatchForWindows10.exe'
Click Extract button
3. Lastly, open 'Crack' folder then
-Run 'Easyworship.2009. (Build.2.4) .patch.by.mark15.exe'
Click on the Browse Patch then dir.
Double click 'EasyWorship2009_2_4_PatchForWindows10.exe'
Click Extract button
3. Lastly, open 'Crack' folder then
-Run 'Easyworship.2009. (Build.2.4) .patch.by.mark15.exe'
Click on the Browse Patch then dir.