Additional Fonts for Personalized Names
Custom Ink's standard font for personalized names and numbers is 'Varsity.' But if you're looking for something different or would like your names to match the font used in your designWindows 2003 server download. , we have a selection of great alternatives. Simply give us a call at 800-293-4232 and one of our representatives can make sure you get the font that fits your group!
Tips for Long Names:
'EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE' may be the name that describes you best, but it may not fit very well on your shirt! For very long names, we sometimes need to make adjustments to ensure they fit within our personalization constraints.
Options can include:
- Using a smaller font size
- Compressing the width of each letter
- Splitting the name up to be on two lines
Our art team will automatically compress personalization when appropriate, and we will reach out to you to discuss your options if we need to size down or split your names. If you are concerned about how your personalization will fit, contact us to review your list of names so that we can offer suggestions.
Waterfall Model - Disadvantages The disadvantage of waterfall development is that it does not allow much reflection or revision. Sequential engineering. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change something that was not well-documented or thought upon in the concept stage.